Sunday 20 May 2012

Ruth, Salomi and Moses - all the three who appeared for their High School (Indian Council of Secondary Examinations) graduation examinations in March this year (bang in the midst of all the turmoil) passed their exams successfully, results for which were announced yesterday! We rejoice with them for their achievement. Nothing very special probably for boys and girls from 'normal' family background...but these young people are special, coming from non-literate families with their fathers killed in two separate brutal murders...they have indeed come a long way from the poverty-stricken children we had taken in almost 10 years ago!

This morning all of the Hope Home Calcutta present family were able to go to the St. Paul's Cathedral for Sunday service (we have been going there regularly for the past five weeks)...they have a lovely lawn and flower garden. The Victoria Memorial Hall is just across the street and all of us indulged in ice-cream treat after Church! Leah, as usual enjoyed the most! We thank God for providing us with the Vehicle and we often end up squeezing in 10 people in our van :-(

Calcutta has been 'burning' with very high temperatures (highest in over a decade) and it often touches over 110 degrees (F) with a near 'perfect' 100% humidity...wouldn't advice anyone to make a visit to the Hope Home Calcutta or the city in the next few weeks of vaporizing climate!

Schools are closed for summer vacation and we are trying to engage everyone in various creative activities.

One of the biggest news is that we were able to make contact with Ranjit (Jonah) and Rohit (Noah)'s eldest brother and other relatives and they would all go to the authorities to appeal for their release from the government sponsored homes.

Continue to pray for our necessary license(s). God can do a miracle and intervene in 'impossible' situations and melt even the hardest of hearts!

1 comment:

  1. precious pictures and precious testimony of the awesome God we serve!

    (NOT missing those wretched calcutta summer temperatures. praying for a cold front for you all!)
